SolidTrustPay Account: Create, Verify, Fund

How to Open a SolidTrustPay Account

SolidTrustPay Account SignUp

SolidTrustPay has made several changes in their registration process so, please, visit the New, Updated, SolidTrustPay Account Tutorial.
  1. To start creating a SolidTrustPay account go to -
  2. On the SolidTrustPay site click on the "SIGN UP" link in the upper left corner.

    Create SolidTrustPay Account
  3. In this screen you have to choose account type. For personal use suitable is "Personal Account".

    Create SolidTrustPay Account
  4. Fill the form with necessary data. Use valid information or you may have trouble to use your account.

    SolidTrustPay Signup
    After filling all the required information enter the captcha words, tick both "Receive email notification" and "Yes, I've read the Terms and Conditions prior to signing up" and click the SIGN UP button.
    If you are confused with something then run the 'sign up assistance' which you will find at the bottom of the form.

    SolidTrustPay Account Sign Up
  5. Your account is now created, check your e-mail and you will find a message with a confirmation link. You must follow the link to complete the registration process.

    Sign up Solidtrustpay
  6. After clicking the confirmation link, log in to your account.
    SolidTrustPay Account 
  7. This is your account, you can find all the information in this page.
     Back Office Of SolidTrustPay Account


How to Verify Your SolidTrustPay Account
  1. In your account overview, click on the link "Verify Your Account Here".
    Verifying SolidTrustPay Account
  2. You'll be directed to a page where you'll find several options available to verify your account. The easiest one is to submit your documents online. To do so click on the link in option 1 -SolidTrustPay Account Verification
  3.  Now browse your computer for your documents and upload them.
    Browse and Upload Your Documents
  4. After you have submitted your documents you will get a confirmation message like this - "SUCCESS! Thanks you for submitting your documents!".
    Solidtrustpay Upload Documents
  5. You need to wait up to 3-5 working days, after which you will receive an email indicating that your account has been verified if your submitted documents were acceptable.
  6. Alternatively you can verify your SolidTrustPay account by any of the following ways:  Scan and email your documents to (include your username) Fax copies of your documents to: (705) 731-0341 or (705) 738-9068 (include your username and email address) Mail your documents via regular postal mail (remember to include your username and email address) to: Solidtrust Pay PO Box 551 Bobcaygeon, Ontario CANADA K0M1A0 ATTN: Verifications Department

       How to Fund Your SolidTrustPay Account

  1. To fund your SolidTrustPay Account first go to and login to your account.
  2. In your account overview, click on the menu "My Money > Deposit Money".
    Create SolidTrustPay Account
  3. Then choose your preferred method to add funds to your SolidTrustPay account.
    Create SolidTrustPay Account
  4. You can also use Exchangers to fund your SolidTrustPay account if you prefer. 

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